How Can You Best Survive The Current Housing Market Downturn?

How Can You Best Survive The Current Housing Market Downturn?
How Can You Best Survive The Current Housing Market Downturn?

Hi, this is Tom Heath with the Mortgage Guidance Group at Nova Home Loans and this is our weekly installment of Mortgage and Real Estate Related Matters. This week’s topic is about understanding the market in which we are in and where we are headed.

I know, as everyone watching this video does, that the market is different and it happened very quickly this year. The downturns are not uncommon in this industry and I’ve been through a couple of myself. What I can tell you is that at this point it’s very important that not only are you looking for that business opportunity, you’re also taking this time to hone your skills. So as we come out of this and head into a normal market and in an upturn which inevitably will follow, that you enter that market stronger than you exited the current market.

And what I mean by that is, while we’re so busy trying to generate business, don’t lose sight of the importance of honing your skills, taking this time for education, learning how to market yourself a little bit better, maybe honing in on your specific vision and mission statement of how you want to operate your business.

We’re here to help you with that. You can head over to our website, you’ll see all kinds of things that we have available to help you with that branding and the marketing. Some of it might generate business now, but it will also create longer term success. And while we’re chasing after every opportunity that’s out there right now, I get it, we’re doing the same thing, let’s also be thinking about how to use our time wisely and build ourselves to a position of a stronger professional. And when the business comes back, and it will, we’ll be there to capitalize on it. I can tell you personally that I’ve come out of every downturn stronger than I went into it. It’s because we used the time effectively, we used it wisely and we focused on the long term as well as generating the short term business.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can contact us through our website You can always schedule time to talk. We have a great team with lots of resources and 20 plus years, almost a quarter of a century of experience in this industry. So let us help you figure out those next steps. Thanks.