Good news, your credit score is 900! Unfortunately, that doesn’t do much for you because it is not based on a formula recognized by lenders. Unless the credit score is a FICO® score, it is not useful for lending purposes. FICO® stands for the Fair Isaac Company, the creator of the credit scoring model used by the vast majority of lenders.
To make matters more complicated, most people have several FICO® scores. Each of the 3 major credit bureaus may have slightly different information about you and so they will have different scores. In addition, applying for a car loan, credit card or home loan use different versions of the formula so you have a variance in your score.
Credit scores are complex! If you are considering a home purchase, don’t get caught up in figuring out how to get your score, contact a mortgage professional. They can pull an accurate score and, if they are experienced, will help you correct any inaccuracies that are bringing the FICO® score down!